Become a Member

By becoming a member of Acceptance Sydney you are supporting the continuing efforts of Acceptance and its mission of providing a safe, spiritual and social environment for gay, lesbian, transgender and  bisexual Catholics, their family and friends. 

As Acceptance Sydney is an Incorporated Association a large membership base is vital to Acceptance Sydney's recognition amongst the Australian GLBT community.

Membership covers the period 1 July to 30 June (pro rata available)

Annual membership fee is $25 (wage earners) $15 (concession)

All information given is kept strictly confidential

There are three ways you can apply for membership as noted below:

  • Credit Card (using the automated form below) 
  • Direct Credit via EFT (using the below procedure and manual form)
  • Cheque (using the below procedure and manual form) 

Credit Card Scroll down to view form

Direct Credit via Eftpos

  1. Fill out the membership application form here. (Print or fill out digitally)
  2. Make the applicable payment via EFT using the details below. Screenshot or download the EFT receipt. 
  3. Attach the completed application form and EFT receipt and email to [email protected] with the subject "Name / FY25 membership"

Direct Deposit Details

BSB:                          062 021     

Account Number:     0080 1703

Bank:                        Commonwealth Bank

Reference:               Name / FY25 Membership


  1. Print and fill out the membership application form here.
  2. Attach cheque, payable to “Acceptance Sydney”
  3. Address and post to the following:

Acceptance Sydney

PO Box 974

Newtown NSW 2042   

38 donors
50 donors



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If you use Apple Pay, your confirmation prompt may refer to our payment processor, "NationBuilder"

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Contributions are not tax deductible.